Many of us have spent a long time at home. Many have been working from home and some have also been on short-time working. How do you motivate yourself when you finally go back to the office? I'll show you why returning to the office is a reason to be happy and what you can do to make the transition easier.

1. look forward to seeing your favourite colleagues again!

Anyone who enjoys working in a team will be familiar with this. Boredom without your team mates. Before you return to the office, think about all the lovely colleagues you will see again. The informal chats and coffee, the joint meetings and team tasks. The thought is sure to make you long for the home office less!

2. create a healthy work-life balance!

Of course, many people have become accustomed to working from home. The extra free time was also nice and many have learnt to enjoy it and incorporate it into their everyday life. When you return to the office, try to find a work-life balance that suits you. Talk to your superiors about this, perhaps a suitable middle ground can be found between the office and working from home.

3. communication on site with colleagues is less complicated!

If everyone is on site, coordination within the team is easier, faster and, above all, less complicated! You don't need access data to log in to a conference platform, the network connection is irrelevant and the availability of colleagues is also easier to determine.

4. keep small rituals from the home office!

Have you adopted small rituals in your home office, such as preparing a pot of tea in the morning or going for a short walk during your lunch break? Then you should keep this up in the office too. This increases your well-being and helps to prevent stress!

5. prepare everything for the first day at the office the evening before!

Your first day in the office is coming up and you're afraid of forgetting something? There is a very simple solution to this. Prepare everything for the office the evening before. Get all your documents together and put them by your door ready to hand. Prepare your food for work so that you don't have to stress about it in the morning. Get your clothes ready for the next day to avoid searching for the right blouse, shirt or trousers. That way, you'll be perfectly prepared for your return to the office!

Created by Tagliarina Sabrina am 26.08.2021 at 15:00 o'clock