Sports hall

What is the hall tool?

The hall tool is a web-based platform that simplifies the centralised management of rooms and facilities and at the same time displays booking plans transparently. Users can find free time slots, make bookings and manage them with just a few clicks. The solution is aimed at local authorities, companies and clubs that want to organise their resources efficiently - from sports halls and event rooms to meeting rooms, club rooms and training times.

Thanks to its flexible customisability, the hall tool can be easily used in different areas, for example in education, sports clubs, companies or public administration. Whether classrooms, conference rooms or community centres - the hall tool enables seamless integration and management of a wide range of resources, adapted to individual requirements.

Functions of the hall tool

  • Centralised management: bundling of all bookable rooms and facilities in one system.
  • Real-time updates: Avoidance of double bookings thanks to up-to-date booking information.
  • Customisation: Can be configured according to the specific requirements of the organisation.
  • Flexible access: Platform access via desktop, tablet or smartphone.

Advantages for users

  • Transparency: Available resources are clearly visible.
  • Flexibility: Bookings can be made anytime and anywhere.
  • Efficiency: Automated processes save time and reduce manual effort.
  • User-friendliness: Intuitive operation makes it easier to use.

Vertrauen und Sicherheit – Made in Germany

Unsere Software ist 100 % Made in Germany und wird ausschließlich auf Servern in Deutschland gehostet. Wir sind nach ISO 27001:2013 zertifiziert und garantieren einen DSGVO-konformen Umgang mit Ihren Daten. Sicherheit und Datenschutz stehen bei uns an erster Stelle – für eine zuverlässige und rechtskonforme Nutzung.

City of Freiburg as a pioneer

The city of Freiburg has been using the hall tool to manage school rooms and sports facilities since October 2024. Clubs, schools and citizens can use the platform to view available rooms around the clock and book them directly - intuitively and quickly.

This solution significantly reduces the administrative burden and shows how digitalisation makes resource management more efficient.

View here: https: //

See also in our blog: "Transparent resource management: How Freiburg is redefining digital hall booking"

Indoor sports hall
Conference room

More efficiency for your organisation presents Hallentool, a modern, powerful solution that supports organisations in mastering the challenges of digital transformation. Whether school rooms, sports halls or other resources - the hall tool optimises your processes, saves valuable time and creates full transparency.

Find out more about our specialised resource management, which can be perfectly configured for different halls and rooms(room management).

Users-gear wide

Arrange a free consultation

We would be happy to discuss over the phone what is possible with the hall tool and how we can meet your needs!

Contact us